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“How strange that the nature of life is change, yet the nature of human beings is to resist change. And how ironic that the difficult times we fear might ruin us are the very ones that can break us open and help us blossom into who we were meant to be.”  Elizabeth Lesser

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Betsy has a welcoming and informal style, and a fair amount of enthusiasm. 

She is a somatic coach, guide and companion on the spiritual path. with a rare way of attuning to others with presence and compassion. She is fed deeply by the connections she has with her clients.

(she/her pronouns)

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A Bit of my Journey

A shy, sensitive kid, under my larger-than-life big sister’s shadow, I followed culture’s map to a tee of how to live a successful life. Sixteen years ago, when my sister's life ended unexpectedly, that was turned upside down. I was leveled. Broken. And going through the motions of caring for everyone but myself.


I had no idea at the time that this breaking open would be the impetus for change, and the start of my journey home. Or that my anxiety, depression, ptsd, and desperation would be my catalysts. Or that I could see relationship and parenting challenges as loud messengers pointing me toward what was needing attention and where I was out of whack. Finding deep resources in non-traditional methods from eastern and indigenous cultures, and body-based practices, I could feel my former self rolling her eyes at many of them.


Led deeply inward, I began the work of digging into the unseen construction of myself and the world I thought I knew. That process allowed me to acknowledge and even embrace my history and my unsavory parts, surfacing things like the impact of my vigilance, fear, judgements, insecurities, perfectionism and approval seeking, and the slow burn of conformity. And somehow through the process, my own power began emerging from underground.


Though it’s been arduous at times, there’s always been a feeling of rightness about it. Like I was following the threads leading to my authentic truth. Nudging me toward something new. A me more connected to myself, others, spirit, and the beauty and suffering of the world. A new me. Or maybe more like it, the me that has always been there, awaiting my discovery.


I’ve hardly done this work alone. (And I’m also hardly done!) I’ve been tremendously blessed by phenomenal teachers along the path who have challenged me, loved me, believed in me, and inspired me. They include Sam Sohmer, Tom Voitas, Kia Miller, Amy Agape, Constance Bauer and many other incredible humans, including my children, partner, family and friends.


Hakomi Mindfulness Somatic Psychotherapy - Comprehensive Training 1 & 2

ISITTA Trauma Training - Levels 1, 2 and 3 with Manuela Miska Reeds

Somatic EMDR Training - Embodylab Certificate Program with Dr. Arielle Schwartz, and Scott Lyons

500-hour Certified Yoga TeacherIncludes 300 hour Radiant Body Advanced Training Certification with Kia Miller.

Life Force Yoga for Mood Management Certification Level 1 with Amy Weintraub and Rose Kress

Reiki Certification - Level 2

TRE® Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises - Level 1 with David Berceli

Emotional Freedom Technique Certification (EFT or Tapping) - Level 1

Integrative Grief Practitioner Certification – with Lyn Prashant

BA Marketing and Advertising - Fine Art minor, Indiana University, Bloomington

Portfolio Center Graduate - Atlanta, GA


Additionally, Betsy has an extensive background in advertising art direction and design,

and currently enjoys creating encaustic art.. She receives great nourishment from being in nature, ritual, and connecting with others.

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