We can only truly know ourselves when we access our deep quiet center.
Betsy (500hr Yoga TT) has been practicing yoga for twenty-five years and teaches a mix of her favorite things. Expect a range of techniques including vinyasa, kundalini, mantra and sound, guided meditation and balancing pranayama practices. Increasingly drawn to the transformative power of Kundalini, she infuses her classes with these potent practices. She also weaves in influences of Life Force Yoga, with its ability to address anxiety and depression. Yoga and Meditation have been her lifeline, and she loves sharing her collection of transformational tools.

Current Schedule
Monday Yoga for Stress and Anxiety 11-12pm Ahimsa
Both In Studio and Online. Yes! A class specifically designed to meet the rajasic state. So, if you feel your mind’s getting the best of you and you’re feeling amped up, agitated, anxious or overwhelmed, be ready to welcome some relief! Betsy has been dedicated to using yoga to treat her own anxiety, and draws from the potent work of Life Force Yoga and Kundalini yoga. Class includes asana, specific sequencing, pranayama and sound to balance the nervous system. Look forward to a more balanced, grounded state, and more access to mental clarity and more resilience. https://www.ahimsayogastudios.com/schedule
Virtual Midday Meditation - Tuesdays, 12-12:30pm
It’s free! Please let me know if you’d like to be added to Google Calendar invite for scheduling updates. The session generally starts with Kundalini breath practices that offer powerful ways to shift your state and make meditation much more accessible. You may find it’s easier to practice in a group setting with the potential to bring you to even deeper states. Plus, the breath practices are a great way to boost your respiratory health. What a great time to start a meditation practice or revisit a faded one. It’s a welcoming group for meditators old and brand new. Regular link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82026909461?pwd=aklKZ2dkWmJhdXVXWDJHRXFKN3NnZz09 Meeting ID: 820 2690 9461, Passcode: 340679. **Remember the first Tuesdays of the month we meet through the library. Register through the OPPL using this link: https://oakpark.librarycalendar.com/event/virtual-midday-meditation-6
Youtube Channel
My Channel has a collection of practices that can be really helpful to help shift your state quickly. You can check out playlists for when you’re feeling anxious, sluggish or need a quick fix. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpOLHBWgAcYdz3BfzfB6RYw/videos